Sustaining funding has three grant programs, designed for established organizations that are core and midsized as well as festival producers.
Core Program
The Core Program is intended for St. Catharines-based professional non-profit arts organizations that have been incorporated for at least five years.
Applications to the Core program are now open.
Application Deadline: April 10, 2025
Eligibility |
To be eligible for the Core program, you must:
- Have a mission to develop, create, produce, present and disseminate artistic work in any artistic discipline
- Have a mission that is clear and relevant with long-term goals and strategies
- Have well-established programs and services that are developed and delivered with consistency
- Be artistically strong with proven impact in the community
- Have full-time paid professional leadership (artistic or administrative)
- Have well-developed administrative structures
- Have stable financial resources and planning
- Have an active board of directors with a clear governance role
- Be in existence for at least five years, operate on a year-round basis and be a Federally or Provincially incorporated not-for-profit
- Have full-time paid professional artistic, curatorial or administrative staff
- Have operating revenues of no less than $250,000 per year
- Produce a full season of programming as per industry standards
- Have significant resources that serve the local arts sector; e.g. facility, equipment, and people
- Pay principal artistic contributors for their services that follow professional industry standards
If you receive the core program funds, you will be ineligible for any other SCCIP program stream. Capital requirements or festival activities may be considered for additional investment through this program.
Evaluation Criteria
Applicants to the Core program will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Organizational Competence |
26 per cent of total score
- There is evidence of a clear mandate, competent administration, a functional board and an appropriate administrative and governance structure.
- The organization is financially stable and accountable, and there is evidence of effective short- and long-term planning.
- Revenue sources are diverse and targets are achievable.
- There are appropriate outreach and marketing strategies in place.
- Management structure and staff professionalism are sufficient to serve the goals of the organization.
- The organization incorporates contingency plans, including strategies to alter program delivery (if necessary.)
Community Impact |
30 per cent of total score
- Activities are conducted primarily in St. Catharines and for the benefit of St. Catharines’ residents.
- Public access to the work is a priority. The organization reaches out to St. Catharines' diverse communities in new and creative ways.
- There is substantial public interest in and attendance at the activities or work. Memberships, audience levels and/or participation levels are steady and/or growing.
- The organization creates jobs and contracts professional artists as part of their regular programming.
- Engagement, collaboration and partnerships are actively pursued with local arts organizations, artists and other community groups, including distinct communities.
- Volunteerism is actively and successfully encouraged in the organization.
Cultural Interest |
19 per cent of total score
- The organization creates and / or programs innovative and /or new work, including work created by Niagara-based artists.
- Programming and activities demonstrate innovation, development and research in the field.
- Distinctive programming is leading the field at a local, if not provincial and / or national level.
- Diversity is reflected in the organization’s programming, leadership and audience.
Activities and Services |
14 per cent of total score
- Activities and services contribute to making St. Catharines a livable city.
- The organization plays a leadership role in the development of the local arts sector.
- There is a breadth of services provided to both residents and to the arts sector, including but not limited to: educational, participation, leadership and mentorship, as well as technical support such as facilities, equipment, and expertise.
- Activities have potential to bring provincial, national or international recognition to St. Catharines as well as substantial audiences.
Purpose and Priorities of SCCIP |
11 per cent of total score
- The project serves the purpose and priorities of the St. Catharines Cultural Investment Policy. The St. Catharines Cultural Investment Policy aims to serve long-term community sustainability by strengthening cultural vitality, economic diversity, environmental awareness and social inclusion with the following investment priorities:
- cultivate the growth and development of a dynamic and robust creative sector;
- support original, made-in-Niagara arts creation;
- foster a range of cultural experiences for all of St. Catharines residents, including educational, participatory and audience-based programs;
- stimulate innovation and creative enterprise;
- celebrate and encourage cultural, social and artistic diversity.
Application process
Follow each of these steps to complete your application.
How to apply |
Contact staff |
Before applying, all applicants are required to get in touch with our Cultural Services staff to review the program details and eligibility requirements. You can reach us via email or by calling 905.323.7638. |
Prepare your documents |
To complete the online application, please gather and prepare the following supporting documents:
- Applicant Information and Authorization Form with original signatures
- Completed activity / programming list for current year and request year
- Up-to-date CADAC Financial Information Form
- Up-to-date CADAC Statistical Information Form (actuals only)
- Most recent Financial Statements as approved and signed by the Board of Directors
- Most recent annual report or minutes from your most recent annual general meeting.
- Organizational Chart – reporting structure, permanent or contract staff, volunteer positions, full-time or part-time
- Completed list of your Board of Directors – include name, title, and length of service
- Sample promotional materials
- Include relevant planning documents, such as strategic plans, marketing plans, and / or deficit reduction plans, where appropriate (see section on Deficit Reduction Plan below)
If requesting additional funding:
- Festival budget
- Marketing plan (may be an outline plan if the festival is more than four months away from the deadline)
- For first-time applicants: Copy of your organization's letters patent or other incorporation documents
Apply online |
Use the online application to review the terms of funding, provide organizational information and upload your supporting documents.
Apply Now
Sustaining Midsized Program
The Sustaining Midsized Program is intended for St. Catharines-based, professional non-profit arts organizations that have been incorporated for at least two years.
Applications to the Midsized program are now open.
Application Deadline: April 10, 2025
Eligibility |
To be eligible for the Sustaining Midsized Program, you must:
- Have a mission to develop, create, produce, present and disseminate artistic work in any artistic discipline
- Have impactful annual programs or services that are delivered with consistency and are artistically strong
- Have a paid professional leadership
- Have developing or stabilizing administrative structures and financial resources
- Have emerging long-term planning
- Have engaged Board of Directors
- Be in existence for at least two years and be a Federally or Provincially incorporated not-for-profit
- Have ongoing paid professional artistic, curatorial or administrative staff
- Produce a minimum of three public activities per year
- Have operating revenues of no less than $30,000 per year
- Pay principal artistic contributors for their services that follow professional industry standards
Evaluation Criteria
Applicants to the Midsized program will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Organizational Competence |
27 per cent of total score
- The organization is financially accountable, and there is evidence of effective short-term financial planning. Long-term financial planning is in development.
- There is a clear mandate and evidence of organizational strategic planning.
- There is competent administration and a clear organizational structure.
- There is a functional board and an appropriate governance structure.
- There are appropriate outreach and marketing strategies in place.
- The organization incorporates contingency plans, including strategies to alter program delivery (if necessary.)
Cultural Interest |
25 per cent of total score
- The organization creates and / or programs innovative and/or new work.
- A distinctive program and/or artform is under development and/or part of regular programming.
- There is growing public interest in and attendance at the activities or work.
- Opportunities are generated for Niagara-based artists.
Community Impact |
23 per cent of total score
- Activities are conducted primarily in St. Catharines and for the benefit of St. Catharines' residents.
- Public access to the work is a priority, including access by St. Catharines’ diverse communities.
- Engagement, collaboration and partnerships are actively pursued with local arts organizations, artists and community groups, including distinct communities.
- The organization contracts local professional artists as part of its regular programming.
Activities and Services |
14 per cent of total score
- Activities and services contribute to making St. Catharines a livable city.
- Activities are unique in the community, distinct from other local government-supported organizations.
Purpose and Priorities of SCCIP |
11 per cent of total score
- The project serves the purpose and priorities of the St. Catharines Cultural Investment Policy. The St. Catharines Cultural Investment Policy aims to serve long-term community sustainability by strengthening cultural vitality, economic diversity, environmental awareness and social inclusion with the following investment priorities:
- cultivate the growth and development of a dynamic and robust creative sector;
- support original, made-in-Niagara arts creation;
- foster a range of cultural experiences for all of St. Catharines residents, including educational, participatory and audience-based programs;
- stimulate innovation and creative enterprise;
- celebrate and encourage cultural, social and artistic diversity.
Application process
Follow each of these steps to complete your application.
How to apply |
Contact staff |
Before applying, all applicants are required to get in touch with our Cultural Services staff to review the program details and eligibility requirements. You can reach us via email or by calling 905.323.7638. |
Prepare your documents |
To complete the online application, please gather and prepare the following supporting documents:
- Applicant Information and Authorization Form with original signatures
- Completed activity/programming list for current year and request year (Ontario Arts Council forms are accepted in lieu)
- Completed Financial Information Form - must include last year actuals, current year projected and next year projected (CADAC forms are accepted in lieu)
- Completed Statistical Information Form - last year’s actuals only (CADAC forms are accepted in lieu)
- Most recent Financial Statements as approved and signed by the Board of Directors
- Most recent annual report or minutes from your most recent annual general meeting
- Completed list of your Board of Directors – include name, title, and length of service
- Staff list (programming and administrative) – include full-time, part-time or contract positions, key roles and responsibilities, reporting structure, and volunteer positions
- Sample promotional materials
- Include relevant planning documents, such as strategic plans, marketing plans, and / or deficit reduction plans, where appropriate (see section on Deficit Reduction Plan below)
- A copy of your letters patent or other incorporation documents (first-time applicants only)
Apply online |
Use the online application to review the terms of funding, provide organizational information and upload your supporting documents.
Apply Now
Festival Program
The Festival Program is intended for professional festivals that generate cultural tourism, economic impact, and contribute to the cultural vitality and diversity of St. Catharines.
Applications to the 2025 Festival Program will open in summer 2025.
Application deadline: Sept. 18, 2025
Eligibility |
The Festival Program is for professional festivals that:
- Generate cultural tourism or significant economic impact
- Contribute to the cultural vitality and diversity of St. Catharines
To be eligible for the Festival Program, the Festival must:
- Offer unique programming which includes a significant component that takes place in St. Catharines
- Attract audiences from within and beyond Niagara
- Engage local artists and businesses in festival activities
- Be professionally managed with paid staff resources or a dedicated volunteer management team
- Provide evidence of effective marketing and business planning
- Have stabilizing administrative structures and financial resources
- Have grant support from other government sources
- Have an engaged Board of Directors
You must also meet these eligibility requirements for the Festival Program:
- Be in existence for a minimum of two years and be a federally or provincially incorporated not-for-profit organization or a non-incorporated organization that confirms it operates on a not-for-profit basis
- Meet the definition of a festival. As per the SCCIP Policy, festivals are defined as: "... a series of publicly held, theme-related events, predominantly cultural in nature, held annually for two or more consecutive days and possessing city-wide and regional appeal."
- Provide programming or services that are continuous, open or otherwise accessible to the public
- Have paid staff, a contracted festival coordinator or a dedicated volunteer management team
- Have completed two successful festivals prior to application
- Pay principal artistic contributors for their services that follow professional industry standards
- Have a revenue base of no less than $30,000
- Gather funding from other provincial or federal government sources
Eligibility exceptions |
- You may be able to apply if you are a club, community centre, social service, religious or sports organization that has a significant festival that substantially engages broader audiences and meets all other program eligibility criteria. However, the festival cannot be a fundraiser.
Evaluation criteria
Applicants to the Festival Program will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Community impact |
31 per cent of total score
- Activities are conducted primarily in St. Catharines and serve residents and visitors.
- Activities have potential to bring provincial, national or international recognition to
St. Catharines and attract visitors from outside of St. Catharines.
- Public access to the work is a priority: events may be ticketed but are open to all members of the public.
- There is substantial and / or growing public interest and attendance.
- Volunteerism is actively and successfully encouraged in the organization.
Organizational competence |
24 per cent of total score
- There is evidence of a clear mandate, competent administration, functional board and an appropriate administrative and governance structure.
- The organization can deliver all programmed activities related to the proposed event or has hired expertise to ensure quality management and delivery of the festival’s content and program.
- The organization can manage and deliver all non-program related aspects of the festival. This may include, but is not limited to security, waste management, hospitality services, relevant licensing and permits, etc.
- The organization is financially stable and accountable, and there is evidence of effective short and long-term planning, including contingencies in the possible event of budget shortfalls.
- A realistic revenue generation plan is in place, including other grants, sponsorships and earned revenues.
- There is an overall quality and consistency in the applicant’s recent activities.
- There is a demonstrated need for financial assistance from the City.
- The festival has received funding from at least one other government granting program, such as Reconnect Ontario or the Department of Canadian Heritage Festival program.
- The organization incorporates contingency plans to alter program delivery, if necessary.
Festival / cultural interest
20 per cent of total score
- The festival is distinct and innovative in the context of other events in St. Catharines and Niagara.
- Activities and services are of a quality to merit public support.
- Program goals are clear, and activities demonstrate innovation, development and research in the field.
- General public appeal is in evidence.
- Local partnerships – with artists, vendors, community groups, and local businesses – are an integral part of the event.
- The festival animates the streetscape with performances, activities, etc. attracting audiences and business engagement.
Marketing and outreach plans |
16 per cent of total score
- The marketing plan has a clearly articulated target market and marketing approach.
- Systems of marketing and outreach are effective at attracting target audiences.
- There is evidence of past success in audience attraction from the region and beyond or a realistic plan to achieve this.
- Applicant has collected and documented visitation and / or relevant economic impact information or has a plan in place to do so.
- Data documenting patron and visitor numbers is available, and economic and other beneficial impacts are in evidence.
Purpose and priorities of SCCIP |
Nine per cent of total score
Application process
Follow each of these steps to complete your application.
How to apply |
Contact staff |
Before applying, all applicants are required to get in touch with our Cultural Services staff to review the program details and eligibility requirements. You can reach us via email or by calling 905.323.7638. |
Prepare your documents |
To complete the online application, please gather and prepare the following supporting documents:
- Applicant Information and Authorization Form with original signatures
- Completed Financial Information Form
- Completed Statistical Information Form - last year's actuals only
- Marketing plan for the request year
- Economic survey / impact report for your most recent festival
- Most recent Financial Statements as approved and signed by the Board of Directors
- Most recent annual report or minutes from your most recent annual general meeting
- Program details for the upcoming festival
- Organizational Chart - reporting structure; permanent or contract staff and volunteer positions; full-time or part-time
- Completed list of your Board of Directors – include name, title, and length of service
- Sample promotional materials
- Include relevant planning documents, such as strategic plans, marketing plans, and / or deficit reduction plans, where appropriate
- A copy of your letters patent or other incorporation documents (first-time applicants only)
Apply online |
Use the online application to review the terms of funding, provide organizational information and upload your supporting documents. This form will be linked below once applications open for the 2025 Festival Program.
Deficit Reduction Plan
For requests of $10,000 or less from organizations with revenues less than $100,000, un-audited financial statements may be submitted. Review engagements or audited financial statements are preferred when available. For higher requests and revenue levels, review engagements are required (or audited financial statements, when available). financial statements must be signed and approved by your Board of Directors.
If you had a deficit of more than 10 per cent of your annual operating budget in your last completed year, or if you have an overall net deficit of more than 10 per cent, please attach a deficit reduction plan that includes targets, timelines and responsibilities.
Final report
A final report is a requirement of the program for all successful applicants. Applicants to the current year who have received sustaining program funding for the previous year are exempt from this provision, pending review of the current application. Report forms are available from City staff. All reports require submission of final actual financial and statistical information, and financial statements of the year for which funding was provided.
Any recipient who fails to submit reports will not be eligible for future funding until required reports are submitted and reviewed by cultural services staff. Please see the terms and conditions within the application form for further information.