Find all the information you need to know about being a successful market vendor at our Farmers Market in the City of St. Catharines.
Vendor Public Safety Protocols
We care about the health and safety of our customers and vendors and strive to keep everyone safe.
If you're a vendor, we have the following regulations to help run your business safely, including:
- Use electronic payments if possible
- Prepackage products when possible
- Sanitize surfaces frequently
- Conduct self-assessment for illnesses prior to attendance
To learn more about safe food handling practices and prepared food vendor compliance reports, vendors and market patrons are encouraged to visit Niagara Region Public Health.
How to become a market vendor
If you're interested in becoming a market vendor at the St. Catharines Farmers Market, submit an online vendor application. Vendors will be selected by our coordinator, as we have limited space and want to keep a diverse selection of vendors.
Apply Now
Although vendor applications are accepted year-round, applications for the Spring / Summer Farmers Market that runs May 1 until October 31 annually, occurs in February. If you have any questions about becoming a vendor or our vendor processes, send an email to the City's Market Coordinator.
Rules and regulations
Before you apply to become a vendor, view our Market Square By-Law and our Market vendor rules and regulations to learn about the requirements and responsibilities for being a vendor at our Farmers Market.
Market open and close procedures
When vendors open and close on Farmers Market Days, you must:
- Arrive and be set up at the Market Square by 8 a.m. on Thursdays and by 7 a.m. on Saturdays
- Stay open until 2 p.m. on Thursdays and Saturdays unless previously arranged with the Market Coordinator
- Remove all garbage and litter from your stall prior to close
- Always have someone in attendance at your stall
Market conduct rules
To follow our market conduct rules, all vendors, staff, and volunteers agree to:
- Act with honesty, integrity, and professionalism when interacting with other vendors, staff, and members of the public.
Ensure that fellow vendors, patrons, staff, and the public in general enjoy an environment free of harassment, either physical or verbal; i.e. abusive or inappropriate language, abusive or inappropriate physical actions, directed from one to another vendor, from a vendor to staff, or from a vendor to a member of the public.
- Not setup up in a stall that is assigned to another vendor without approval from the Market Coordinator
- Will not place or leave any building, trailer, table, stand, tarp or other structures on Market Square unless it has been approved
- Use electrical equipment which is in an unsafe condition or does not comply with Canadian Standards Association (C.S.A.)
- Have any tables or display shelving that is not clean, neatly painted, stained or covered with cloth or vinyl or has jagged, rough or sharp corners
- Comply with the requirements of any applicable statute, law, by-law, regulation, ordinance or order at any time, including any parking by-laws
Conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on the public image of the St. Catharines Farmers Market, and which supports the City of St. Catharines mission.
Ensure that social media / public online postings do not violate the City of St. Catharines mission and vison statements including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Individuals who engage in any of the behaviors listed above or violate rules, could be subject to immediate cancellation of vendor permit and be asked to leave Market Square by the Market Coordinator or City management.
Rules for selling and distributing
When selling or distributing any product at the Farmers Market, you must not sell or distribute:
- Anything at the Farmers Market except when it agrees with the Market Square By-Law, the vendor lease agreement, the daily permit or written consent from the Market Coordinator
- A product other than a high-quality, wholesome product as determined by the Market Coordinator
- Any fresh or cured meat, fresh or smoked fish, poultry, cheese, prepared foods intended for immediate consumption, or any foods classified as 'hazardous' except from a stall or vehicle approved by the Niagara Health Services Department
- Any homemade or commercially produced food product without a label that includes the producer's name and address
- Any food products that cannot be easily washed without the products being covered by gauze, wax paper or other covering or wrapping to protect the product from flies, dust, vermin or other contamination
- A product that can be exposed to pollution from animals, birds or any other source
- A product that has been exposed or offered for sale, which is not fit for human consumption, considered second grade goods, or fails to follow health protection grading or packaging legislation and regulations
Vehicles and parking permits
If you are a vendor that needs a vehicle to sell your goods at the Farmers Market before and during market hours, you must fill out our vendor permit. You must also not:
- Park or leave any motor vehicle in Market Square that does not follow our by-laws, exceeds parking spot allocations or without consent from the Market Coordinator
- Interfere with the flow of traffic on the driveways of the Market Square Park with a vehicle, any ramps or tailgates, or anything else that might block the sidewalk or driveways
- Park in any of the Market Square area except the parts contained within the limits of your stall defined by the Market Square By-Law
- Place or leave any vehicle or transportation vehicle on Market Square during open hours unless you are transporting goods and conducting sales with a Vendor Lease Agreement or Daily Permit
If you are advertising as a vendor, you can only advertise in Market Square except by using signs that are assigned to your stall to identify a product, its price, its origin or its vendor. All advertising must comply with Market Conduct Rules. Please note that the Market Square may support advertising for vendors, and any advertising permitted by the Market Square By-Law is accepted.
Vendor selection criteria
To learn how we select a vendor, view our Market Vendor Selection Criteria.
Our priority vendors include:
- Farmers operating within the boundaries of the City
- Farmers operating within a 100-mile radius of the City
- Producers using ingredients grown or reared within a 100-mile radius of the City / business operations are within the boundaries of the City
- Prepared food vendors
- Artisans
- Other
Public Health Farmers Market Food Vendor Application
View the Public Health Farmers Market Food Vendor Application Guidelines if you are selling prepared or raw food, including meats. You must be compliant with Public Health standards prior to starting at the market. All food vendors will be subject to onsite inspection from the City's market coordinator and Niagara Region Public Health without notification to ensure safe food practices.
Stall rental rates, discounts, and sizes
Our vendors are billed twice a year, first at the spring market season and second at the fall market season through ActiveSTC online permits. Vendors can choose equal monthly payments or to pay account for the season in full.
Our stall rental rates are:
- Thursday - $15.60
- Saturday - $30.20
- Hydro fee - $1.75 to $3.50 per stall
Stall rate discounts
You can get a discount if you are:
- Attending two days every week - 25 per cent discount
- A MyPick Verified or Organic Certified Farmer - 45 per cent discount
- Non-Profit / Charitable Organization - 50 per cent discount on Saturdays
Please note you are not able to combine discounts.
Stall sizes
Our stall sizes include:
- Indoor stall size – 8 feet by 8 feet
- Outdoor stall size – 10 feet by 10 feet (seasonal)