The City of St. Catharines' boards and commissions work to address issues affecting our community.
FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre Board |
The mandate of the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre's board of directors is to promote, develop and encourage the performing arts in the City of St. Catharines, operate the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre and associated business, and provide related services for the benefit of the City. |
Niagara District Airport Commission |
The Niagara District Airport Commission manages the Niagara District Airport on behalf of the City of St. Catharines, City of Niagara Falls and Town of Niagara on the Lake. The commission also establishes the airport's strategic direction and operating policies, develops and oversees annual operating budgets and appoints the CEO. |
Niagara Transit Commission |
Niagara Region Transit manages and governs public transit services and transit scheduling, routes, connects, fares and trips across Niagara Region, including St. Catharines. For rider information, including bus routes, bus schedules, rates, as well as specialized and microtransit options, please visit the Niagara Region Transit website. See information on the Niagara Transit Commission and board, including reports, agendas and minutes. |
St. Catharines Downtown Association |
The St. Catharines Downtown Association is a non-profit organization that represents approximately 700 members, including commercial property owners, retailers, restaurants and professional offices in the designated Business Improvement Area (BIA) of St. Catharines. Visit their website to learn more about shopping, dining and exploring opportunities in the St. Catharines downtown core, as well as featured events, arts and cultural performances, deals, parking, member resources and more. |
St. Catharines Hydro |
St. Catharines Hydro Inc. St. Catharines Hydro Inc. is a holding company owned by the City. The company started in 2000 as part of the shift to restructure and deregulate Ontario's electricity industry by the Province. St. Catharines Hydro Inc. owns St. Catharines Hydro Generation Inc. (see below) and holds 4.63 per cent of the shares of Alectra Inc. Alectra pays dividends to St. Catharines Hydro Inc., which are then passed through to the City. The members of the Board of Directors for St. Catharines Hydro Inc. are:
St. Catharines Hydro Generation Inc. St. Catharines Hydro Generation Inc. owns and operates the Heywood Generating Station in Port Dalhousie under a licence from the Ontario Energy Board. St. Catharines Hydro Inc. owns all shares of St. Catharines Hydro Generation Inc. The Heywood Generating Station was built in 1988, became commercially operational in the spring of 1989, and is named after the project champion and inspiration, Mr. Stan Heywood. The station generates approximately 6.5 MW of electricity utilizing water from 12 Mile Creek and Martindale Pond. The members of the Board of Directors for St. Catharines Hydro Generation Inc. are:
St. Catharines Municipal Development Corporation |
The St. Catharines Municipal Development Corporation (MDC) will act as the lead developer and marketer for municipally-owned real estate assets through negotiation and partnership development with the private sector. Please visit the St. Catharines Municipal Development Corporation website for more information about the MDC. The Board of Directors are:
MDC Staff:
Meeting Information Use the links below to view agendas and minutes for meetings of the board. Meetings are open to the public - information on dates, times and locations are listed in the website meeting calendar and noted at the top of each agenda.
St. Catharines Public Library Board |
The St. Catharines Public Library Board manages and governs the operations of the St. Catharines Public Library and establishes policies related to the provision and development of public library services to the citizens of St. Catharines. Visit their website to learn more, including Board meeting schedules, agendas, minutes, members and policies. |
Tourism St. Catharines |
Tourism St. Catharines is a not-for-profit corporation, governed by a Board of Directors, with St. Catharines City Council as the sole member of the corporation. The purpose of Tourism St. Catharines is to promote the City to attract tourists and visitors, generate overnight stays and associated economic spin-offs. Vision Mission Values The Board of Directors are:
Meeting Information Use the links below to view agendas and minutes for meetings of the board. Meetings are open to the public - information on dates, times and locations are listed in the website meeting calendar and noted at the top of each agenda.