For up-to-date weather alerts, visit Environment Canada.
See how Niagara Region prepares during extreme cold and what you can do to protect yourself during cold weather, along with some of the ways it supports people experiencing unsheltered homelessness.
Emergency shelter, housing and support services are provided through Niagara's Assertive Street Outreach program (NASO).
NASO has the ability and resources to provide individuals with shelter and services across the Region.
Connect with NASO or view a list of additional local support agencies.
Find information about Housing-Focused Emergency Shelters in Niagara.
The following facilities are available to the public during normal business hours to warm up or cool off during an extreme temperature event:
Visit the St. Catharines Public Library website for operating hours.
For additional resources available in Niagara, call 211.
See further information and resources on housing and homelessness.