The Community Improvement Plan Review Task Force will provide recommendations to Council on proposed changes to the City’s Community Improvement Plan with emphasis on brownfield redevelopment and affordable housing.
The Task Force will meet once every two months, or as required at the discretion of the Chair, until the deliverables are complete, including recommendations to City Council. Upcoming meeting dates can be found on our meeting calendar and for more information read the task force's agendas and minutes to stay informed.
The Task Force shall conduct its meetings in accordance with and otherwise comply with the City of St. Catharines Simplified Meeting Procedures for advisory bodies.
The Task Force will be disbanded upon presentation of its recommendations to Council, unless otherwise disbanded by Council prior to presenting its recommendations.
The Task Force shall be comprised of five voting members as follows:
Voting Members
Technical Expertise
A lead staff liaison will be assigned to the Task Force in addition to procedural support from the Office of the City Clerk. Other staff may be invited to provide expertise as needed based on the workplan outlined above. In addition, development community experts with a thorough understanding of municipal incentive programs and brownfield
remediation will be invited to meetings where agendas would benefit from this private sector perspective and expertise.
The Task Force reports to and provides recommendations that require approval from City Council.
Coordination with other advisory bodies may be required, depending on the Task Force recommendations.
Administrative support will be provided by staff, including a designated lead staff liaison, procedural support from the Office of the City Clerk, and other staff as may be needed from time to time.