The City’s First Annual Strategic Plan progress dashboard provides progress updates and performance measures related to the City’s Strategic Plan by reporting on each of the five pillars: Economic Prosperity, Social Well-Being, Environmental Stewardship, Cultural Vibrancy and Organizational Excellence. The dashboard also includes information and metrics related to the City’s Housing Pledge.
The dashboard reports progress on priority initiatives that have been identified by Council and the community based on the following legend: Complete; In Progress / Ongoing; Started; Not Started; On Hold.
This dashboard demonstrates commitment to the Strategic Plan’s guiding principles of accountability and transparency, focus on results, and proactive communication with each other, our community and those beyond our borders.
Read our 2023 to 2027 Strategic Plan for our vision for the future of St. Catharines.
Our Vision
For St. Catharines to be a safe, innovative, sustainable, and caring city today and for future generations.
Our Misson
The City of St. Catharines municipal government leadership will focus on accountability, affordability, innovation, and responsible stewardship of community resources.
To achieve the City's vision, our decisions are guided by the plan, and built on five pillars: