The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act establishes a process for the public to gain access to records in the care and control of the City. If you would like access to City records, please contact the City Clerk's Office to determine if a formal request for records is required.
Submit a Freedom of Information Request |
To request access to records, please submit a Freedom of Information Request along with the appropriate fee to Legal and Clerks Services on the third floor in City Hall. A request for information should contain as much detail as possible about the records including specific dates or timelines, and:
Please note as of Jan. 1, 2023, our office will no longer be providing records via email. |
Payment and Fees for Freedom of Information Requests |
Depending on the complexity of the request, the following fees may apply:
Payment can be made to Legal and Clerks Services on the third floor of City Hall by cash or debit or by credit card over the phone 905.688.5600 ext. 1517. |
How to Appeal a Freedom of Information Request |
The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act allows individuals the right to appeal any decision made by the City relating to access of records or personal information. Appeals are filed with the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) of Ontario. |
The City is committed to organizational transparency while routinely providing information to the public that engages citizens and encourages public access to information that matters the most. We release certain types of records in response to an informal request as part of our routine disclosure policy. Fees for requests for information under routine disclosure are based on our Rates and Fees By-law.
Legal and Clerks Services |
Engineering, Facilities and Environmental Services |
Planning and Building Services |
Notes: 1: Building permits issued without a placard can be released. For building permits issued with a placard, only the placard can be released by the department. Full permits must file through Freedom of Information. 2: Only to the person who submitted it (unless permission is provided). All others require a Freedom of Information application. 3: Only provided to the designer or architect who prepared the plans or correspondence which were submitted when the permit was applied for; the designer or architect whose name is on the plans or survey; the current owner; or the current owner's agent if accompanied by a written letter of authorization from the current owner. All other requests require a Freedom of Information application. |