The City of St. Catharines uses the Water Meter Replacement Program to install and maintain water meters on properties throughout the city. We change meters every 15 years when they reach the end of their lifespan.
Staff will contact you to schedule an appointment and perform water meter replacements for all commercial and industrial water customers in the city when meters are due.
Please follow these safety guidelines when expecting a water meter appointment:
The City is installing new, automated water meter readers across all meters in St. Catharines. These new readers automatically record and store your water consumption information and transmit it directly to our billing system. Once the meter is installed, you no longer need to manually read the meter and submit readings.
Staff drive along the street and obtain water meter readings through a dedicated, safe radio frequency. They pick up the automated readers' information through built-in transmitters and GPS coordinates. Meters only transmit information upon request and only the meter's register number and water consumption information is taken.
This process is easier for residents and the reader's more frequent readings can help find potential problems in advance, such as leaking taps or toilets.
We upgrade water meters throughout the city based on city sections. Since it is a multi-year program, it could be many months or years before your meter is scheduled to be upgraded.
When your water meter is scheduled to be upgraded, you will receive a letter detailing your next steps.
After receiving the letter, please contact our Citizen's First at 905-688-5600 to arrange an appointment for your water meter upgrade. The water meter upgrade normally takes 30 minutes to complete.
Please follow the same safety guidelines listed on this page during appointments and ensure an adult (18 years or older) is present during installation to provide access and sign-off on the work.
The City will still need to manually inspect water meters from time to time in the home after your upgrade takes place.
The new automated meter readers use wireless technology to collect water consumption, diagnostic and status data from the City's water meters. They transfer this data to a database for billing, troubleshooting and analysis.
The battery-operated transmitter is wired directly to the water meter inside the home, and it wirelessly communicates with mobile reading equipment installed in our meter reading vehicles. The transmitter only sends wireless signals when requested; three times per year for our regular billing period. All wireless devices are tested to comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's health and safety guidelines.
The automated readers operate in the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada-licensed 900 MHz spectrum (the same spectrum as a garage door remote, cordless phone or baby monitor). Each transmission lasts for one-eighth of a second at a power level of under two watts.
There is no cost to have the automated reader installed as part of our installation program. However, you can request an automated reader to be installed ahead of schedule at the owner's expense. Contact us at 905.688.5600 or for details.