In Jan. 2024, the City of St. Catharines secured an investment of $25.7 million to boost housing supply in the city. The funding is through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC) Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), a $4 billion initiative that offers financial support to local governments for expediting the development of new homes.
The action plan for HAF commits to seven initiatives, fostering a range of housing types and densities to cater to the diverse needs of the community. The initiatives are as follows:
The HAF initiatives are projected to result in more than 2,600 housing units over a three-year period. The seven initiatives will transform housing approvals and unlock thousands of potential units over the next 10 years.
Affordable Housing Parking Exemption |
On January 13, 2025, a City-wide zoning by-law amendment (File no. 24 115258 ZA) is going to St. Catharines City Council for consideration. This proposed zoning by-law amendment is to exempt affordable residential units from the City’s parking requirements. A residential dwelling unit will be considered affordable in accordance with the definition established in the Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended. This zoning by-law amendment aligns with HAF Initiative 3 – Inclusive Housing Initiatives, which aims to foster a housing environment that prioritizes inclusion and adaptability by encouraging construction and reducing development costs for affordable, accessible and purpose-built rental developments. This application was originally scheduled to be considered during the December 9, 2024 Council meeting. Due to that meeting being cancelled, this application is being considered by Council on January 13, 2025. For more information, please visit the Affordable Housing Parking Exemption website. |
Development Charge Rental Housing Discount Grant Program |
On November 18, 2024, St. Catharines City Council passed the Development Charge Rental Housing Discount Grant Program. This HAF-funded financial incentive will provide additional development charge discounts for purpose-built rental dwelling units. Due to recent amendments to the Development Charges Act (DC Act), development charge discounts are currently applied to purpose-built rental units dependent on unit size as outlined below:
In an effort to increase the development of purpose-built rental units in the city and implement Initiative 4 – Missing Middle Initiative in the HAF action plan, staff are recommending an increase to the legislated development charge rental discounts. The increase in discount would be funded through the Housing Accelerator Fund. The proposed grant would increase development charge rental discounts as outlined below:
The proposed development charge discounts apply only to municipal development charges and do not apply to any development charges from the Region of Niagara or the school board. For more information, please see the November 18, 2024 staff report and policy. |
Accessible Housing Fee Reimbursement Policy |
On November 18, 2024, St. Catharines City Council passed the Affordable Housing Fee Reimbursement Policy. This policy will facilitate the reimbursement of building permit fees for proposed accessible dwelling units throughout the city. This policy is funded by the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) and aligns with HAF Initiative 3 – Inclusive Housing Initiatives, which aims to foster a housing environment that prioritizes inclusion and adaptability by encouraging construction and reduce development costs for affordable, accessible and purpose built rental developments. This policy applies to new accessible dwelling units that:
This policy is in effect as of November 18, 2024 until December 31, 2025. Depending on HAF funding availability, this policy may be extended to 2026 and 2027. For more information, please see the November 18, 2024 staff report and policy. Are you looking to apply for this policy? Please see the Applicant Guide for full details. |
Accessory Dwelling Unit Grant Amount Increase |
On August 26, 2024, the proposed increase to the Community Improvement Plan grant amount for the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program was approved by St. Catharines City Council. The amendment increased the value of the ADU grant to a maximum of $40,000 for the construction of interior ADUs, and to a maximum of $80,000 for the construction of exterior ADUs, subject to available funding through the Housing Accelerator Fund. The amendment also revises the application requirement for a complete ADU application to be made within 90 days of Building Permit issuance and permits property owners to submit more than one ADU application per property. The Notice of Decision was issued in accordance with Section 28 of the Planning Act on Aug. 29, 2024. To learn more and submit applications, visit please visit the Community Improvement Plan webpage. |
Affordable Housing Fee Reimbursement Policy |
On February 12, 2024, St. Catharines City Council passed the Affordable Housing Fee Reimbursement Policy. This policy will facilitate the reimbursement of planning application and/or building permit fees for proposed non-ownership affordable housing units or beds throughout the city. This policy is funded by the City’s Affordable Housing Reserve and Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) and aligns with HAF Initiative 3 – Inclusive Housing Initiatives, which aims to foster a housing environment that prioritizes inclusion and adaptability by encouraging construction and reducing development costs for affordable, accessible and purpose-built rental developments. A development or redevelopment project is eligible for a reimbursement up to $50,000 under this policy if:
This policy is in effect as of February 12, 2024. For more information, please see the February 12, 2024 staff report and policy. Are you looking to apply for this policy? Please see the Applicant Guide for full details. |